
Hello, I’m a senior undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay majoring in Mechanical Engineering with Honors. I am also pursuing a Minor Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences at C-MInDS, IIT Bombay. My research interests include Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Multiphase Flows, Turbulence Modeling and Machine Learning. You can find my CV here.

During the Summer of 2022, I investigated Negatively Buoyant Jets in Viscoplastic ambient fluids using experimental flow visualization techniques and also predicted semiturbulent positively buoyant jet shape using machine learning at LCFR, Universite Laval, Canada. I first pursued data-driven modeling in 2021 to improve the Discrete Elastic Rods Algorithm under Prof. Jawed at his lab in UCLA. My current research is concerned with enhancing heat transfer performance of pin fin channels in trailing edge sections of gas turbine blades as a part of my undergraduate thesis. In future, I envision myself developing clean, efficient, and intelligent thermo-fluid technologies by utilizing experimental methods, computational engineering, and data-driven modeling.

I enjoy pop, rock and classical music and can play the guitar as well as sing (a bit). I like to play cricket, among other sports and you would often find me engaged in deep intellectual conversations at 3 am!